Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1 201H

It has been awhile since I last posted.  Sometimes I feel like if I have nothing to say other than the day to day usual challenges then it's better to say nothing.

Tonight we will announce the play lineup for the 50th Anniversary Season.  We have 5 mainstage plays, 2 youth productions, a murder mystery, and our big fundraiser.  Our preliminary budget for next season is over a half a million dollars.

While this announcement is about the 50th Season tonight's party it is just a little teaser for what's coming up to celebrate next season.  A committee has been formed and is meeting to discuss events and ideas for celebrating our big milestone next season.  We are looking at a couple of special events that will celebrate our connections to family and youth and a little more formal event to gather many of the people over the past 50 years who have been a part of our history.

Part of the reason I'm writing this blog today, is that I've been thinking about the passing of Virginia Glover.  Her funeral service is this afternoon at First Presbyterian Church and she and her husband Joe were one of the earliest members of the theatre.  Virginia was the theatre Treasurer when I was hired and I remember going to her business called West KY Ceramics on Jefferson Street to get checks signed several times during my early years.  The first meeting I had with the Market House Theatre board of directors was in her apartment where I remember laying out my renderings and my technical drawings and costume designs on the floor of her apartment and kneeling to explain them as the other board members gathered around trying to decide if they were going to hire this young guy from Kansas City, who had never worked in community theatre before.  

Virginia was passionate about the theatre and always asked the tough questions that needed to be asked. She never hesitated to volunteer and lend a hand in whatever was needed for a reception or a fundraising event.  She still attended the theatre and volunteered to usher and work behind the counter for many years after she left the board and retired from her business.  I hadn't talked with Virginia for some years as her health and ability to get out deteriorated but her contributions to the theatre and the foundations she helped build are still felt  by the theatre as we move towards our 50th Anniversary.

These past few years we have seen the passing of that generation that founded the theatre in 1963.  With J.C. Dudley's passing last year and now Virginia Glover those local citizens who created what we take for granted today deserve our gratitude and a moment to remember them on this day.  

Here is the transcription of the hand written minutes from the meeting held on Oct. 14, 1963-

The initial meeting to discuss formation of a Little Theatre Group was held Monday October 14 at 7:30 pm in the Paducah Art Gallery with Mrs. Robert Hassman serving as chairwoman pro ten.

Mrs. Hassman introduced Mrs. W.H.Beauman, president of the City Beautification board, who told of the work and actions of that board toward restoring the old Market House and converting it into a cultural and historical center.  She said present plans include the use of our section of the building for a little theatre providing an active group can be formed to make use of it.

Mrs. Hassman mentioned some of the problems in starting a theatre group, such as fundraising, adequate membership, and creating and sustaining interest.  She told of some methods used successfully by such groups in other communities.

As a first step she asked for approval of the following to act on a steering committee:
Mrs. Robert Hassman, chairwoman (Pro term?)
Dr. Ben Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Dudley
Mrs. U.C. Morris
Miss Greata Woodall
Mr. Charles Katterjohn
Mr. Bob Evans
Charles A. Wahl

This committee would explore possible solutions to the afore mentioned problems; consider plays for which a choice might be made for the first production; discuss areas of agreement with other groups participating in the Market House plays, and list other suggestions for discussions and actions by the membership.  The committee would also prepare a slate of officers to be voted on at the next meeting.

Mrs. Charles Wahl moved that a "blanket approval" be given to Mrs. Hassman.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Lee Livingston and was carried unanimously.  Mrs. Hassman then asked for further suggestions and comments from those present.  There seemed to be a consensus of opinion that plans should be set in motion to begin with a play right away to keep interest going while permanent plans go forward.

Mrs. Hassman said that those present and all suggested prospective members would be notified of the next meeting.  The meeting was then adjourned.

Lorraine B. Morris 
Sec. Pro Tem

The notes from the second meeting held Nov. 6 1963 included the following list of proposed officers and directors

President  Mrs. Robert Hassman
1st Vice President Dr. Ben Bradford
2nd Vice President Mrs. J.C. Dudley
Recording Secretary Mrs. U.C. Morris
Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Molly McClure
Treasurer Mr. Charles A. Wahl

Mr. Joe Miller,
Miss Greata Woodall,
Mr. Charles Katterjohn,
Miss Judith Bray, Mr. Art Herman

A list of committees was formed including 

Rules and By Laws: Mr. Herb Mack -Chair, Mrs. J.C. Dudley, Mrs. Edwin Roof, Mrs. Ted Myre, Mr. Keith Yates

Finance: Mr. Charles Wahl, Chair, Mr. William P. Smith, Mrs. Don Reed, Mrs. Emile Sauleen (*Michael's Note-I did my best guess on this name as it was handwritten and hard to read) Mr. Lee Livingston, Mrs. Ted Myre, Miss Greta Woodall

Play Selection: Dr. Ben Bradford Chair, Mrs. Molly McClure, Mr. Richard Price, Mrs. William P. Smith.

Mrs. Dudley gave a report on the developments of the building. Mrs. Saunders was asked to assume responsibilty for compling and printing lists of members and interests.  

Some one suggested that coffee and doughnuts be served at the next meeting and was met with general approval and a small collection was taken up for this purpose and the meeting was adjourned.

We had a board meeting last Wednesday evening February 27 at 5:30 pm.  The items discussed were play selection, annual donor drives and passing out lists of people to contact for support and fundraising events.  While we didn't have doughnuts and coffee we did have pizza and soda.

So today is a moment of synchronicity where things come together in a very meaningful way.   A joyful party to announce the 50th Season of plays and a  remembrance of the vibrant life of one of the founding members who made the announcement of a 50th Season tonight possible.

Thank you, Virginia.