Thursday, February 14, 2008

Feb. 14

I had the pleasure of watching Crowns rehearsal last night. Although it had a few rough spots, due to loss of rehearsal with the ice storm, overall it was headed for opening night. The play is a wonderful collection of story and song that brings us all to a deeper understanding of family and culture. There are some truly moving moments in the show where the story of each woman's family in the show helped me understand how connected we all are. MyKynleigh Abraham's character has a line in the play about doing things that we think are modern without even realizing the connecting line that extends back through the history of our culture or family. Tickets are selling well and we will decide today whether to extend the run for an additional week. That extension will depend on several factors. We will post information on our website.

Harriet the Spy rehearsals moved to the mainstage last night. Jim Keeney and I worked on platforms yesterday to get them ready for the transition from the classroom and the taped out floor to the main stage and actual platforms. There is still alot of platform work left to go. There are still some items on the stage that have to get moved back up to prop storage as well.

Last Saturday a group of volunteers helped organize prop storage. That is a huge undertaking. We have two entire floors full of home decor, telephones, swords, dishes, cooking utensils, radios, and about 100 other items that we keep for use in future shows. There is still a lot left to do but it was a good start.

I'm still wrestling with royalty companies on securing rights for next season. We are awaiting approval and royalty costs on some of the musicals before we can announce them to the public. Although some theatres announce their season with TBA's (to be announced) I really don't like doing that. We are also looking at cost factors for the season for next year. That is the depressing part of the equation and the finance committee will be meeting soon to hammer out a fiscal budget for 08/09.

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