Saturday, March 8, 2008

March 8

Trying to grab a few minutes before the matinee performance of Harriet the Spy. Thursday we opened the show with two morning matinees and an evening show. Friday had two matinees and an evening show. As we prepare for the 3 day of shows the company has already performed 6 shows. We have one show today and one show tomorrow. Monday morning is the final school matinee and then the set is torn down and we move on to the next production which takes the stage. Being philosophical for a moment- (as is my usual want) plays are such a moment in time. You spend 5 weeks of your life getting ready for it and then the actual show run passes so quickly. But the stories and the memories of doing the play live on forever in the hearts of the people who put it on. It's like getting ready for the championship game in sports. You practice and you work and then you perform. You hope that you will win (or in theatre that it will be a success.)

Watching the kids faces after the show waiting backstage as the parents and family and friends come back stage and congratulate them is very fulfilling. The kids work so hard to put the show on and then wait for the communities reaction. When people come in the door and audience members they don't even know tell them how great they were or the younger kids in the audience ask for autographs of all the actors ( especially the actors who are 8-12 years old) you would think they will never come back down to earth. That moment is priceless.

Well enough philosophy. Time to do a performance. I believe everyone at some time should experience what it is like to do a show. Either on the crew or on the stage. I promise you will never forget it.

House opens in 9 minutes. Time go!

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