Monday, September 15, 2008

dancing in the aisles

We just finished the second of three weekends of MY WAY. This past weekend I ran sound for the show. Saturday night I ran sound and stage managed the show. Denise the stage manager had purchased tickets long ago for the Bug Bunny Symphony concert. Bobby Grey the sound operator was at a sound workshop all weekend. Both the sound and stage managing are not something that anyone can walk in and handle. They have to understand the nuance of the show. For instance with sound it is important to know each voice on stage and how they blend. You need to know which voice is softer in a 4 part harmony so you can raise that level to even out the blend. In calling a "cue" you need to know when the downbeat in a song is that a light cue is designed for and be able to call not to early or too late in order to accent the music and the lights.

Friday night a little girl about 3 or 4 years old sat in the back row by her mother. She spent most of the second act dancing in the aisle right next to me at the sound board. It was fun to see her "interpretation" of the songs as she raised her hands and waved on tip toe in time to the music.

We have one more weekend to go. High School musical is in high gear. Tomorrow night the performers are off book for a large part of act one. That means they can't carry their scripts with them anymore. Jim is building the tables and chairs for the classroom scenes today and tomorrow. I'm working from home on drafting the sets for the show.

Rehearsals start this Thursday for Greetings. I start rehearsals next week for Doubt and play selection starts next week.

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