Thursday, April 23, 2009

Live Theatre is an extreme sport

You never know what's going to happen. This morning Susan Anderson called me to say that she was really sorry but she would not be able to play the Reptile Woman in tonight's sold out performance because she was in the hospital. They decided to keep her overnight after a pancreititus (sp?) attack. Susan anticipates being better tomorrow and really wanted to be at the theatre tonight. After hanging up and racking my brain for about 20 minutes I decided that the best course of action was to change the part from Reptile Woman to Reptile Man and do the part myself. I know the blocking and am familiar enough with the lines that I could, with some work, do the part off book tonight since the Reptile Woman has so many props she has to carry. Laurie Burnett is the stage manager and understudy and if we had about a week for me to get her rehearsed and up to speed and off book I would have used her. However we only had about 10 hours before curtain and I needed Laurie stage managing the show because it is very complicated.

I began cramming the lines in my head, reviewing the blocking and went to Creatures of Habit to get a costume. We tried on a couple of costumes and found one that is covered with animal and snake skins. I have a wig that transforms my look as well. I can't decide if I look like a swamp man or a heavy metal rock and roll musician. They look about the same sometimes.

So tonight at 7:30 pm we will see how well the cast adapts to a new performer of a different gender. At some point during the play they all talk about the Reptile woman. Many times during the lines Marsha and Sue have to say Yes Ma'am. Every actor is going to have to substitute him or her and man for woman as they say them tonight to make this work. This will be one of those memorable moments in live theatre tonight that will test all of us. That old saying the show must go on isn't just a nice sentiment.

We are all hoping and wishing for Susan's quick recovery and look forward to having her back onstage as soon as possible.

Life is an adventure and live theatre at times is an extreme adventure.

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