Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ghosts and TDH

Phil Counts and I guided two more ghost tours this morning. Farley Elementary and Hendron Lone Oak Elementary has two classes working on history projects and thought this might be fun to give a different aspect to their projects. Hearing about witch burnings and grisly murders certainly will give a different view of Paducah's history. We tentatively have a couple more scheduled for next week. Guiding a tour is a lot of fun because you are in essence doing a one person show. The several guides we have all have different styles and personalities they use. I just like it because I get an excuse to walk around with a Victorian top hat and cape on. The kids eyes get really huge when you tell them a story that took place right on the spot they are standing. They tend to jump back as if the spot is still alive somehow.

The Rivers Edge Film festival kicks off tonight and for the first time it won't be at MHT. Back when the organizers changed the date to this weekend we had already scheduled and publicized Tom Dick and Harry. Maybe next year they will find an alternate date and we can work together again. I'm in the process of looking at shows and dates for September 2010-June 2011 right now. Sometimes I can't remember which year I'm really working on.

Audience response to Tom Dick and Harry has been very positive. We haven't sold out but the phone has been ringing consistently and Internet ticket sales are going well. We are still receiving orders every day for plaques for the new seats. The annual fund drive mailing went in the mail yesterday.

The theatre officially canceled our Holiday Home Tour yesterday. We were having a difficult time getting 3 houses confirmed. As soon as we got the third home confirmed one of the first two would have to drop out We will try again next year and see if we can get it locked in earlier! Those people who even considered letting us showcase their homes as a fundraiser have our heartfelt thanks.

I'm in the process of re-reading the script General Order Number 11 by Nancy Gail-Clayton. It tells the story of General Grant order all the Jews to be evicted from Paducah during the civil war. It is strong drama and one that we are considering for future production. I met Nancy at a theatre conference. She's had the work produced in Louisville and has always been interested in a Paducah production. Lately with the ghost stories and several other projects it seems like I'm looking at a lot of historical plays and ideas.

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