Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December Hustle

I watched the first part of Best Christmas Pageant ever last night in rehearsal and tried out a new flip video camera I got to help post some rehearsal shots on the theatre's website and facebook page. I'm still getting the hang of it. Last night was a trial attempt and now that I know what it looks like I will start posting some video items. We worked through some curtain issues last night. Jim spent a day hanging and preparing a traveler track and main drape which we eliminated last night in an effort to make the transitions flow more smoothly. We had hung the drape in an effort to solve a different problem. Designing in some ways is like directing. You try one solution to solve a problem and it creates a second problem that is worse than the first. My biggest challenge right now is to dress the interior set for Best Christmas Pageant using materials that can be flat on the wall since the walls fold in on each other during the church scene. I'm hoping for some inspiration from the swirling ideas I've got. The difficulty lies in making a decision as to which path to follow.

On today's schedule to complete the furniture for Best Christmas and to decide on a wall treatment for the house scene. Yesterday we assembled the rear screen projection frame and I worked on lights. Today will be another day of working on lights and set and then taping out the set for God's Favorite. Diane Byrd and the cast for that show started staging the show last night based on the set Diane and I developed.

Marsha is under the weather today and so is Rhiannon. I'm hoping that one of them will be able to work the box office today while I continue working on the tech for Best Christmas. If they can't them I'm on box office duty for the afternoon.

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