Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mid July update

Here it is the 18 of July and I'm just doing the first post! I can't believe it's already 1/2 way through the month. Yesterday was the Fred Paxton Fund run for Charity. The theatre raised almost $4,300 in donations and I'm sure we will be close to $4,500 by the time all the late registrations are recorded. With the matching of $4,300 from the foundation that will put the theatre endowment fund at approx. $90,000!

Several MHT volunteers won trophies for their times in the run in their age groups. April and I were very proud of our daughter Jade who won First Place Overall in the Kids run for all of the kids ages.

I found out today that long time theatre friend Sarah Roush died today after a long battle with cancer. Sarah helped revitalize several buildings downtown and was a prolific artist. Her enthusiasm in helping others and her creative spirit will be missed. Our thoughts and our prayers are with her family.

Tomorrow begins the final week of the Grammarsoris Camp. April has been rehearsing with the kids this past week. Each day the kids have learned something new about the theatre. Last Tuesday they got to run the light board, learn how we make flash pots and smoke onstage and they got to crawl under the stage in the little crawl space that is used for the trap door. That was the biggest highlight of the whole thing- so much so that they wanted to do it again on Wednesday so we let them. In addition on Wednesday they learned the difference between front and rear screen projections and saw how their set drawings will be projected on the screen for their show. Friday the kids got a tour of the costume shop, dressing rooms and prop areas while they were taking a break from the rehearsal.

Auditions were held last Monday and Tuesday for I Love You You're Perfect Now Change. The show called for 2 men and 2 women. I had a large group of talented people audition and I cast 4 men and 4 women. Cast members are Fowler Black, Audra Hall, Al Knudsen, Melanie Koch, Victoria Parrish, Scott Salchli, Chris Schnarr, and Townley Williams. Patt Lynch is the musical director. We had a rushed first rehearsal last Friday because 3 of the cast was going out of town the first part of this week. It was fun to watch the actors read the script for the first time because many of them were totally unfamiliar with the show they had just been cast in. They only knew bits and pieces from the auditions.

Cindy Miller, Melisa Mast, Kim Yocum, Kristin Williams, and I are out meeting with businesses to sponsor our upcoming season and selling program ads. We hope to have this wrapped up before the end of the month.

Several board members and staff are looking at warehouse spaces. In the past 26 years the warehouse has had to relocate 5 times. That is an average of every 5 years. We are looking at possible lease spaces and exploring possibly buying a building for storage space. The theatre currently needs about 3,000 square feet with high ceilings. We are waiting on insurance quotes and utility quotes to make the decision whether to buy or lease. We are hoping to start moving scenery out of our current space and into a new space starting August 1. Jim will be looking for lots of help when we do move so if you have some free time in August we would be very appreciative.

Marsha and Rhiannon have been hard at work on season tickets. They have processed all of the renewals and most of the new orders. They will begin printing out the tickets and putting them into envelopes along with restaurant discount cards within the next couple of weeks. Ann Counts has been helping with the renewals for the restaurant discount cards so we are just finishing up gathering the information before sending those cards off to print.

As usual we are behind in getting our Season Information brochure to the printer. Debra Harned has been working on logos for the shows and we have been refining the show descriptions. We have also been trying to work through the other fundraising events that will happen this year. It never fails we start out on track to get the brochure done in a timely manner and soon we are at least a month behind schedule. Last year the season brochure was finished just before we opened the first show of the season. Fortunately we quit using the brochure years ago as the primary season ticket sales form.

I have been working with Innovations brandinghouse on a new website design for the theatre that is smart phone friendly. Hopefully you will get to see it make its premiere in the next few weeks. April and I are currently adding information and we hope that it will allow for a more interactive site. It is designed with a Word Press blogging type of setup which means that more than one person can make changes. I've been the only person over the years who has been able to make changes and that sometimes means the site isn't always as up to date as we would like.

The Pied Piper opens Wednesday July 27 and runs through Saturday July 30 for Lunch box theatre and we hope to have a good turnout. Neil's Catering will be handling the hot dogs and hamburgers for the show.

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