Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012

Today we have the consultants from NYC and Chicago flying in to make a presentation at the board meeting tonight. That will be very exciting to look at the wrap up this phase of our strategic planning for MHT's future. Tonight the board will also approve the nominees for incoming board members and officers for next year as well as do an assessment of the Masquerade Ball event for this fall. In the meantime I'm out looking at Kiddie pools and large plastic flower urns to see if any of them will work with our massive Hairspray can as the top piece above the can. I always get the strangest looks when I walk in stores from people trying to help me. I'm always looking at objects and re-imagining them either upside down or used for different purposes than they were intended. This week I spent time scouring beauty supply stores, dollar stores and discount stores looking at hairspray cans and hair products to use for rehearsal until we get our canned haze in that I ordered. If you can picture the face of the clerk walking up to me as I look at hair products it's always a quizzical look on their face. When we did the show The Colored Museum I went out in search of Afro Sheen and the clerks were really confused as a bald white guy is trying to find African American hair products. One day I was in the hallway of the offices talking to someone as I was working on murder mystery props I was holding a bottle of wine and one of our 38 caliber stage handguns which look totally real. A customer walked in at that moment, took one look at me and forgot what they came in to order. We are just 8 days from opening night and the show is coming together. Last night we ran act one and worked and cleaned up lots of choreography and music issues. We are still shaping and refining characters, dialogue and pacing. The rehearsals are long but progress is happening! Tonight is focused on Act Two. Joe Plucknett and Ben Shelby joined Patt in the orchestra pit on Monday and started to work through music with the cast. Terry Mike Jeffrey will join the pit orchestra Friday. Up until this week it has been just Patt on the piano in the pit. Hairspray opens May 31!

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