Thursday, December 19, 2013

Archive from the Director's Desk November 2013


November is my favorite month. The leaves have turned brilliant colors and the nights are chilly, but not cold. The craziness of October jam-packed with fundraiser events, shows, and Halloween is now over, and we’ve put all the scary decorations back in the closet until next year. We haven’t gotten out the Christmas decorations (at least at my house--that happens the day after Thanksgiving) or moved into the December holiday parties, shows, choir concerts, and pageants to celebrate Christmas. In addition, high school football has moved into the playoffs and basketball season is just starting.

I think November is my favorite month because it reminds me to step back from the frantic daily rush of life and give thanks for all the gifts we receive in life that can’t be bought in a store. The talents that we hold inside each of us. Talents that are just waiting for a chance to shine like a light when we turn down all the noise around us and focus on each other without smartphones and tablets, or advertising and marketing trying to make us believe we are incomplete unless we buy certain products.

This year I have a long list of things to be thankful for. 

I am grateful for the small group of civic leaders who gave up their time and their own resources to meet weekly to create a community organization that celebrates the talents inside of each of us. 

I am grateful for the talents of so many volunteers over 50 years that put in thousands of hours of their time to rehearse plays, stuff envelopes for mailing, sell tickets, build and paint sets, sew costumes, hang lights, locate props, get auction items for fundraising events, decorate tables and spaces for events, put up posters, and secure sponsors to cover costs for events.

I am grateful for the talents of a dedicated staff that works long hours beyond what their pay covers to help others showcase their talents.

I am grateful for the people of this community who volunteer their talents as board members, working behind the scenes to give time, advice, and their own funds to support Market House Theatre.

I am grateful for our Trustee advisory group of longtime supporters who have given so much of themselves to MHT over the years as volunteers, donors, and advisors.

I am grateful for my wife April, who is so filled with talent and passion for working with youth and works tirelessly to get kids to realize and develop the amazing amount of talent inside them.

I am grateful to my daughter, who puts up with a father and mother that work nights and weekends to spend time with other kids and adults to develop their talents.

I am grateful to ticket buyers who believe in the theatre programming, buying tickets to see the talents of family and friends in the community.

Finally, it is hard not to become emotional when we open the mail during the year and get donations from young people just starting out in life, from people with families to support, from seniors who are retired living on limited means, and from those who are asked to support so many worthy causes and organizations.  Having people believe in what you do and to be so kind as to support you with a donation is overwhelming, and we are thankful for each of you.  We don’t battle diseases, feed the hungry, or shelter the homeless. What we do is to help people of all ages stand up in front of the people of their community and let their lights shine. I can’t help but think of the old children’s song that goes, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” 

I give thanks for your talent and your precious resources that you share with us to make a place for that light inside of each of us to shine in our community.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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