Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 29

It has been a long day and still going. Yesterday was a time to catch up on a few things that are still on a time crunch. I worked until after midnight last night and was up again this morning before 6 to work on the website. You will notice a few things (hopefully!) There is now a page for Zink with photos and an article talking about the show. I put together the video section last night after taking photos at 6:30. We take our photos in front of a white screen. Then I search for images that give a sense of what we hope the feel of the show will look like when it is onstage. Sometimes these backgrounds are realistic interiors like the Tuesdays with Morrie photos were. Sometimes they are more representational like the backgrounds we used of a childrens drawing for the publicity photos for Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing. With Zink we are looking to do a painted background that reflects and sunset on an African Savannah. After the photos were stripped of their white background and set in front of the sunset I found. Then music was added. I tried to put in the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight which is sung as part of the play by the main character. I couldn't get that to work so I used a piece of music I've used a couple of times this year that has a driving beat.

I also worked on a Summer Drama Class description article and form that April had created for Disney Cinderella Kids camp which has been in the works for over a month but we were struggling with some other community events and issues we had hoped to work through before we announced our camps. This is the 5th year we will do a drama camp for elementary age youth in June. Disney Cinderella Kids will be a great chance for the kids to have major roles and learn about theatre in several areas.

I spent the morning sending out press releases on Zink and getting the web site updated with all the information about Zink, the Summer Drama Camp and working on The Derby Party this weekend.

This afternoon I worked with Jim and we took the cover off the orchestra pit and took down all of the masking drapes surrounding the set from Tuesdays with Morrie. The stage moved toward being prepared for Anything Goes rehearsal. I had promised that the cast for Anything Goes could move over to the main theatre today. But we didnt' get a chance to get the set taped out so they will rehearse for another night in the classroom above the studio theatre.

Zink rehearses at 5 pm and for the last couple of days that has been the focus. I designed a really fun tree for the show that is climbable. Jim and I redesigned the supports for the tree trunk of the tree. At 5 pm I put on my actor hat and do the part of the father in the show. In the main offices at 5:30 today a couple of board membes gathered to finish contacting anyone who was a member last year and hasn't renewed yet. Tomorrow I need to work on lights for Zink and the technical aspects as well as getting Anything Goes moved across the street. We still have to collect a few props for Zink along with finishing the building of a large rock and a large tree. Part of my afternoon was spent helping Marsha who has been trying to send emails to volunteers with some graphics and more attractive style.

Part of the afternoon was spent pouring over books on board structure and policy making. We are in the phase of contacting prospective board members for next season. One of the things that is crucial to the success of the theatre is to have good board members who are passionate about the theatre. I spend a good deal of time trying to give the theatre board information that will help us move in new directions.

I worked back on the web page putting the season ticket form and a season description on our home page this afternoon.

After I finish this blog tonight I will create ads for Zink for the Newspaper with the program Quark and Photoshop. Then I'll move on to look over the proposed budget again for next year and see if any new ideas come along. The budget committee has a meeting tomorrow right before the Zink rehearsal.

That's what is happening behind the scenes at MHT.

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