Thursday, April 3, 2008

April 3

Yesterday was spent mostly on photos. In the morning I finally updated our photo gallery page. It had photos of the shows last season and it took a while to get everything photo shopped into smaller image sizes to load quickly and then inserted on the page. In the afternoon I went to Clark Elementary school and photographed the final performance of 101 Dalmatians. April and all the kids did a great job. It made me think back to my own elementary school play and the sense of performing for the whole school and how wonderful that felt. Who knew that it would lead me to where I am today.

Last night I took publicity photos of the Tuesdays with Morrie Cast. You can see some of the in the banner on the top of every MHT web page. Since our set isn't ready yet I have to take the photos in front of white screen and then place an appropriate background behind them. This generally takes me longer than it would someone who is a wiz with photo shop. It's very difficult to try to publicize a show that is still under construction. This morning Jim Keeney is cutting out the new masonite surface for the cover of the turntable for Tuesdays with Morrie set. We have a production meeting at 1 pm today to talk over all of the props, sets, and costumes.

With all the rain I have several leaks that need attention. It is never easy in these old buildings to track down exactly where the water is coming from.

Last night was the second audition evening for Anything Goes. This is turning into a very difficult show to cast. We have several great roles for men and not enough men who auditioned. Today we are contacting those people who expressed an interest in auditioning but couldn't because of schedule conflicts and seeing if we can work around the conflicts. Some of those are the Tilghman Choir which is going to Italy. They will be gone for about a week and return a couple of days before the Anything Goes opens. We are trying to see if any of the parts in the play will lend themselves to someone who would miss a week of rehearsals just before we open. Generally with big cast shows lots of negotiations go on to finish the casting. It is only with very popular titles that we generally have enough people at auditions to cast a show without extending the auditions. We are blessed in our community with very talented people. Like everyone else though they have busy lives and doing a show is a big commitment of time.

If anyone reading this is interested in auditioning you can contact me at the box office number 270-444-6828 extension 114 or by email at On today's agenda is writing the April newsletter and getting the program for Tuesdays to the printer.

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