Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saturday May 24

Check out the photos I took on the side to see all the stuff happening at MHT on Sat. May 24. To see lots more photos click on the link at the left side of the home page.

I stopped by the Lowertown festival last night and purchased a 1/2 rack of ribs from the Buzzard Brothers booth manned by MHT volunteers Sherry Shadle, Mark and Julia Schaberg, Randy Davis, and volunteer coordinator Marsha Cash. Earlier in the day when I was delivering some change for Marsha to buy ice for the soft drinks for the volunteers I was greeted by the sunglasses brigade of volunteers at the Buzzard Bros. booth of Sarah Bynum, Vickie Shelby and Becky Haus. MHT will receive a share of all the food sales from the booth as a fundraiser event.

Saturday morning started out with Footlights at 8 am. April had a list of needs for the day. I went to prop storage and hunted for several unusual prop pieces for use with the high school footlights troupe improv show that performed at11 am. As soon as the show was finished it was rush over to the lowertown festival and set up for Story Theatre performance of the Three kittens.

After the show it was time to pack the show back up in the theatre van and return it back to MHT. Then April, Jade, and I loaded back into our personal vehicle and headed back over to the festival. We stopped by the Buzzard Bros. booth to see if everything was okay and ordered some more ribs. Louie Kirchhoff and his "brothers" out did themselves with the food this year. It was great.

I heard from a friend of Fowler Black that he hopes to be released from the hospital tomorrow. We still don't know what that means in terms of a return to rehearsals but we will keep our fingers crossed.

Tomorrow another 3 shifts of workers will man the Buzzard Bros. booth and then strike it all at 4 pm and clean up. April and I did our best to help support the lowertown festival with food purchases, T shirt purchases and Art purchases. The next theatre board meeting is this coming Wed. Hopefully we will have some numbers from the festival to know how we did as a fundraiser.

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