Friday, December 12, 2008

Greetings After Show

I've just locked the last couple of doors for the night and before I shut down the computer and head home I thought I would share the adventures the last few nights during Greetings. Last night during the show some car was parked just outside the theatre on the side street next to Tribecca. The driver was apparently impatient with someone inside one of the restaurants because they blew the horn on the car for a solid 30 seconds straight. This of course was close to one of the main plot moments in the play. When the car finally stopped blowing the horn some of the people walking on the street started to have a loud conversation. Not only was the conversation extremely loud but it was also laced with lots of profanity. Needless to say everyone in the audience heard the car horn and the loud conversation. Roy Hensel after the show said that if he had thought about for a moment longer he would have added lines about the lousy neighbors who not only don't put their Christmas lights but also blast their car horn.

Tonight the audience responded very positively to the play. But tonight's audience got to listen to a Harley Davidson motorcycle start up and then rev his engine for about a minute before taking off. It seems like things always happen in threes! I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Several audience members went across after the show and joined the cast for some warm wassail with and without rum and brownies and goodies. Tonight was one of the best audience responses of the run so far. They got every joke. Roy had a brief memory lapse during the play when he forgot to ask for the Bible to do his exorcism. The kitchen door on the set is supposed to open as the rest of the cast peeks out to see what is going on. Fortunately for Roy, Fowler was waving the Bible in the door way. Roy dismissed them and turned back to continue what he was doing and then it dawned on him what Fowler was trying to tell him. Roy then immediately went back and picked up the Bible part in the play.

The one thing about live theatre is that every night is different. You never know what will happen next.

We have 2 shows tomorrow and a final matinee on Sunday. We are offering $10 tickets to the matinee for anyone who brings in a non perishable food item to donate to Paducah Cooperative Ministry. Or a $5 ticket to the After Show party tomorrow night if you bring in the food item. That's a savings of 50% and you get that good feeling of helping a good cause.

Tomorrow between shows the murder mystery cast which includes Roy and Audra from Greetings will rehearse for our performance at the Lone Oak High School teachers Christmas party on Monday.

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