Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wild Winter Ride

Yesterday was one of those days that if I had any hair left would have turned it gray!

Monday began with a flat tire on April's car which needed to get to the auto repair shop to remove the large nail in her tire. April took my vehicle to drive to Carlisle County to do classes. She called twice to make sure they were still holding classes and was assured that they were and she drove to the school. While putting on the temporary spare on April's car I received phone calls from the cast of the murder mystery asking me if we were going to cancel that night and what were the roads like in Paducah. I replied that yes the school was still holding the event and it was only raining (I was laying on the wet ground to reach the spare stored under the car at that moment). After dropping April's car off and getting a ride back to the theatre to pick up the theatre van I drove to Rowton sound and rented 4 wireless microphones for the murder mystery event at Lone Oak High School that night. Valerie Pollard and I worked on the trivia event that was a part of the murder mystery that night and then I loaded the van with the rest of the sound equipment. At noon and again at 2:30 pm I called the school to confirm the party. At 3:30 I loaded up the van and drove to Lone Oak High School. I unloaded the sound equipment and then talked with the coordinator who assured me we were doing the event even though the roads were starting to ice up. All during the set up time in the cafeteria cast members kept calling me asking me if we were canceled. One of the cast members hadn't bothered to go get his costume from creatures of habit because he assumed that the event wouldn't happen. As I left the High School to try to run back to get April's car I had to wait 20 minutes to get back on Lone Oak Road due to the heavy traffic leaving town. Just as I got out onto Lone Oak Rd the coordinator from the school called my cell phone and canceled. It took me another 15 minutes to go 5 blocks and turn around to go back to the school to load back up the sound equipment. Meanwhile I was calling the cast on my cellphone trying to get the word to them. I left Lone Oak HS at 4:15 with the sound equipment and it took me until 5:05 to get to the south side to pick up April's car. Purcell Tire waited for me after closing so that I could get there to pick up her car. I finally got the theatre van back at the theatre and drove home in April's car at about 6 pm last night. This morning was spent returning equipment that wasn't used yesterday. I felt badly for the cast who worked hard rehearsing the new show and a couple of the actors spent their own money on purchasing clothing to perform in the murder mystery event.

I doubt that we will do the event because it has a Christmas Theme and really doesn't work well after the Christmas Holiday.

Tonight I'm taking publicity photos of Tom Dolan and Renie Barger for Southern Comforts. Tomorrow is the holiday board meeting at April and my house. Thursday is the staff party at the end of the day. We will be closing Thursday at 4 pm. Friday is the last day we are opened until Jan. 5. The big Kentucky Arts Council grant is due Jan. 15 and that looms large just as everyone starts back up for the new year.

I'm hoping the rest of the week isn't quite as crazy as yesterday.

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