Saturday, February 7, 2009

Final Weekend

This week began with trying to catch up on all the things that were postponed from last week. On Friday after an intense two day discussion and input from several people on the committee we made the decision to reschedule the Curtain Call Wizard of Oz auction which was originally scheduled for Friday Feb. 13. The new date will be Friday March 20 at 7:30 pm.

Tomorrow will be 3 weeks until the Tech rehearsal for Ramona Quimby. I knew that we could at least build the back section of Ramona with a big rear screen projection unit and could have used that for the fundraiser when it was scheduled for Feb. 13 so that we wouldn't be too far behind in the Ramona set build. With the rescheduling of that we will be able to still complete the build in a hurried but not impossible time. Had we extended Southern Comforts it would have been impossible to get Ramona built. April and I have evolved a set design but there is still a great deal that needs to be fleshed out before we build the first piece of scenery.

Ramona will run March 5-8. The following weekend March 14th we have the Footlights Troupes performance. The weekend after that will be the new date for the Curtain Call fundraiser. That leaves us 3 weeks to build the complete set for the Sugar Bean Sisters before it's technical and dress rehearsals.

On Wednesday Feb. 11 I will travel to Frankfort with other arts organizations from Paducah to meet with state legislators at the capitol. We will get our picture taken with the big check for this years grant. We have already received the first part of the grant back in August. This second part of the grant has been reduced from the original amount that was granted to us because of state budget cuts.

I am continuing to work with the board and staff on the remaining months of this fiscal year which ends in June. We have made cuts in several areas. One of those cuts is the orchestra for the Wizard of Oz. We will be producing the show with a total digital orchestra this year. Doug Arnold and I worked very hard to find the right balance to make the show successful and I can't tell you how much I appreciate his help.

The play selection committee selected the shows for next season and I'm in the process of acquiring the royalties before we announce the season. It is a mix of musicals and plays that are familiar with a couple of brand new comedies in the mix. I think audiences will really enjoy the variety.

On Wed. Feb. 18 Randy Cohen Vice President of Americans for the Arts will present the results of the economic impact of the arts in the Greater Paducah Area at the Rotary club meeting. I think everyone will be impressed by the numbers. We will wait until that time to release the Market House Theatre economic impact numbers as well. With all the talk of stimulus there is a strong case for supporting the arts and its return in jobs and local and state government revenues.

Southern Comfort has received standing ovations for every performance. Tom, Renie and Phil have all done a nice job creating the show. Crew members Susan Anderson, Jaimie Smith, Pam Benzing, Jim Keeney, and Betty Wise have all contributed to make the show a wonderful production. This afternoon at the matinee we had one of those "live theatre" moments when Renie slammed the screen door and a print on the staircase wall adjacent to the door came tumbling down the stairs. I'm sure the audience thought it was a well planned out bit. Tom did a great catch at the foot of the stairs to rescue the painting as the scene ended.

On Sunday we will have the final performance, strike the set and the show will become part of MHT history on many levels. Ramona Quimby will get ready to move onstage and we are off and running again in the buildup for opening on March 5.

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