Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Omens, Auditions, and Fundraisers

I can't decided if it is an omen or just that it wore out. Over the course of the last month I've lost 3 of the 5 desk drawers from my office desk. They have simply fallen apart. Yesterday I opened my middle drawer and put a pencil in the drawer. I closed the drawer and the bottom fell out spilling the contents everywhere under my desk. (No it wasn't that overloaded!) Last week I put a pen in the side desk drawer and when it closed the bottom gave way and it fell to pieces. I now have a large bin next to my desk holding the contents of 3 desk drawers.

Jim Keeney's father in law passed away last Monday. He had been ill for some time and this was not totally unexpected. Jim and his wife Cathy and daughter Elisabeth will be traveling to Arkansas this week for the funeral. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Keeney family.

April has settled on the shorter version of the Secret Life of Girls script. Auditions are next Monday and Tuesday and scripts are available to check out.

Sugar Bean Sisters had its first rehearsal on Monday and we started staging the show last night. The cast will be off book in 2 weeks! (That means they have to have their lines memorized.)

Kim came in with the flu/cold stuff to the read through on Monday. Tuesday Sue came in with the cold/flu stuff. Lots of people are out suffering with flu like symptoms right now. At the Monday school matinees there were almost 70 kids missing because of sickness. April has several kids out this week from the footlights final rehearsals due to illness.

Alexis is working on the forms for season ticket renewals and I wrote a first draft of the season ticket renewal letter. I still have to draft the show description letter. We announce the season a week from Friday at the Curtain Call fundraising event! We hope to have season tickets on sale very quickly after that announcement.

Ramona Quimby exceeded its box office budget goal! Thanks to sold out performances on the final Saturday and Sunday and sold out school matinees the show exceeded expectations. April, the cast, and crew all did a terrific job! Thanks to for helping to promote the show as well!

So far this year the youth shows have exceeded their box office goals and the main stage shows have been slightly under. The ice storm in January put a big dent in our box office income projections for the mainstage shows but the youth shows have really helped keep us close to our budgeted goals. Groups have been buying tickets for Sugar Bean Sisters since the quilt show announcement was made a couple of weeks ago. Yesterday Alexis said a group from Canada bought tickets for the show.

I'm trying to get the cast of Wizard of Oz together for a brief rehearsal on Thursday March 19 at 7 pm. Denise Bristol assistant director will start contacting everyone in the company today to try to set this up.

The board is in full swing getting ready for the Curtain Call fundraising event on March 20th. It should be a great time and tickets are available at the box office or from board members.

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