Friday, August 14, 2009

I feel your pain

Yesterday tickets went on sale for Smoke on the Mountain Homecoming and the Secret Life of Girls. We are just 3 weeks out from the opening of the first show of the 46th season. At rehearsal last night we spent the majority of time working on a couple of the characters monologues. We worked and reworked these moments where the characters testify about their faith. I think that it was rewarding for those actors who got to work on their parts. Unfortunately the others had a lot of sitting around while that happened. Last night I had Fowler, who plays Pastor Oglethorpe, empathize so much with those in his congregation that he had to act as if it were him that was suffering from bursitis, arthritis, locked bowels, and kidney stones. The other actors were rolling on the floor as Fowler contorted his body to "feel" their pain.

Meanwhile across the street open auditions were being held for Cardinal River Productions 48 hour film festival entry. Although they don't know what genre of script they will be creating those who showed up were taped doing a variety of improvisational exercises that covered several genres. This weekend should be an exciting one for film in Paducah with the 13 teams. One of the teams, other than the Cardinal River group, is headed up and composed solely of MHT performers and volunteers. It will be fun to see the projects that come out from this weekend. I encourage everyone to go and view the completed 4-7 minute films next week at the Maiden Alley Cinema and support the efforts of all of the MHT and community people who are involved in this competition.

If you see some terrific posters around town for Smoke on the Mountain Homecoming they are the work of the creative team over at IVS supervised by Todd Duff. IVS has done an outstanding job on the posters and we are working with them to create a coordinated and unified look to all of our show marketing. We have our website hosted by IVS and they do an outstanding job in everything they undertake.

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