Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Late August Rush

A whirlwind of activity in the printing area has been going on all weekend and during the first part of this week. The annual report was sent to the printer yesterday. This 4 page color document is a report on all aspects of MHT programming last season along with financial reports. All MHT Member/Contributors will receive a copy in the mail. A PDF of the report will be posted on the MHT website.

The September newsletter also went to the printer on Monday. We will be returning to a more robust schedule of newsletters this year. Last year we tried to move the newsletters to a quarterly printing in order to save funds. What we learned was that some of our information was out 1-2 months before the event and was soon forgotten. The MHT board has decided that we need to communicate more often with people interested in the theatre and has budgeted a doubling of newsletters for this season. The newsletter will also try to feature more of the people who are involved as volunteers at the theatre. Look for a newsletter to be posted today.

Volunteer Debra Harned, April Cochran and I have been hard at work to get the new program completed and sent the printer. We are also putting the final touches on our season brochure. All these things are timed to be ready for opening night of Smoke on the Mountain Homecoming which opens Sept. 3.

The box office is now selling tickets to Smoke and The Secret Life of Girls. In addition schools are calling in and making school matinee reservations for Secret Life of Girls, Best Christmas Pageant Ever, and There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom. All of those school performances are filling up quickly and some are already sold out. Because of the limited space in the studio theatre for Secret Life we have added a school discount price to the regular performance of Secret Life of Girls. Any school group of at least 30 can get a school matinee rate of $5 per ticket for a regular performance of the show. Interested schools can contact the box office for more information.

Jim is still doing the construction work on the back of our auditorium to make access easier for wheelchairs and walkers. We have removed the steps and made access a level entrance to the rear of the auditorium.

The theatre is getting ready to announce an exciting fundraiser for the fall and we are in the final planning stages for this event. We should be ready to announce this later this week!

School has started back and April is full swing teaching in the city and county school systems.

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