Thursday, January 21, 2010


We are close to accomplishing a couple of goals! First our survey that has been emailed to everyone that MHT has an email address for. We would like to get at least 750 responses. We are currently at 635! If you haven't done so please take our brief 10 question survey online. You can find the link to the survey at our website Help us finish this project up so we can use the results for our strategic planning retreat Feb. 20. We have just a couple of days left to fill out the survey.

The second goal is our chair campaign. As of yesterday we had raised enough funds to do all but the last row. We still need to raise about $4,000 to cover the purchase and shipping to finish the project. You can still honor someone or yourself with a plaque on the arm of a new chair for a $250 donation. We are also selling the old seats which have been removed from the theatre. The "vintage" chairs are $100 for an aisle seat, $75 for an interior seat. If you buy more than two interior chairs we drop the price of additional chairs down to $50. Lots of people have snapped up the old chairs as a piece of history from the theatre. Call the box office for information.

Rehearsals are in the last couple of weeks for God's Favorite which opens Feb. 4. The set is in the final build stages and volunteers are needed to help paint and help hang the masking drapes. Betty Wise has been in several days this past week helping paint.

Rehearsals also are underway for Boy in the Girls Bathroom. The set was taped out up in the classroom yesterday and April starts staging the show tonight.

The play selection committee is reading the final play for consideration and should have a season proposal completed by next week. That proposal then goes to the board of directors for approval. After that the rights are secured for the production (which generally requires us to put money down as a deposit on the shows), we then develop logos and descriptions and then look at budgeting. So far the season is shaping up for lots of roles for all ages. Our formula is a large cast and a small cast musical, two comedies and a comic drama. Other shows for the youth season and studio season are still being reviewed. We will announce our new season at the Curtain Call fundraising event on March 19.

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