Friday, January 8, 2010

First Week of 2010

The first week back after the holiday break is playing catch up. I have to give a special thanks for going above and beyond their job description to Marsha Cash and Rhiannon Dodds. Marsha is a former nurse and on Thursday evening just after closing Marsha and Rhiannon helped me by removing the nerve block that I had implanted for my shoulder surgery. Both of them tried to get raises out of me as they threatened to rip off with glee all the surgical tape from my shoulders if I didn't give in. Unfortunately I told them I have a high pain threshold so they were out of luck. My shoulder is recovering quickly and we all had a good laugh and my thanks for their help.

April is set for Footlights to begin Saturday morning. She has also been working preparing for the auditions for There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom. Even with the snow days this week it has been hectic for April as she has begun work on plays for Lone Oak, Clark, Concorde and Ballard Elementary schools in addition to the MHT play and Footlights.

Marsha besides playing nurse has been trying to catch up on tax receipts and thank you letters for all of the donations that we have received at the end of the year. Rhiannon has also been hard at work with ticket sales and school matinee follow-up for Boy in the Girl's Bathroom.

Aaron Spoden who is home from college for a couple of days came in to help Jim Keeney and they put up the basic walls and platforms on stage today for God's Favorite to move onstage Monday.

I spent the morning out at WKCTC meeting with Constance Frank who teaches the Introduction to Theatre Classes. She is taking a 6 week medical leave for some surgery and the college has asked me to fill in for her until she returns. I taught Introduction to Theatre and Technical Theatre production at WKCTC a few years ago and really enjoyed the experience. So starting Monday I will put back on my teaching hat and help out.

Cindy Miller was in today and she wrote and laid out the February newsletter which we hope will go to the printer as early as next Monday. Cindy, Bonnie Daniels who is directing Cinderella and I will meet next Saturday to talk about music and scenery. Cindy and the rest of the Strategic planning committee looked over the final draft of the online survey today and we should be ready to send out emails with links for people to participate next week.

Debra Harned who volunteers to do our program layout is also working on the program for God's Favorite which goes to press 3 weeks before the show opens. While we just began 2010 there is lots going on that relates to 2011.

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