Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Secret Life of Oz

My brain is swimming from all the activity lately. Secret Life has been on break and will resume on Saturday. In the meantime The Wizard of Oz is in high gear. We have only one scene left to stage in the show and because I'm missing so many people tonight with the Tilghman Honors program I had to cancel rehearsal tonight and try to stage it tomorrow when we review Act Two.

We made our final orchestration cuts last night. The orchestration has long sections for large stages and in some of the scene changes we don't need as much music to cover the change. Although we have a tremendous amount of choreography in the show we are also cutting a few measures here and there to tighten up the dance sequences. I'm also not a big believer in doing reprises of big songs as an encore unless it helps to further the plot so we have trimmed a few of the big company songs where we can.

The biggest addition to the show is the Jitterbug dance number. It is a high energy dance number that is supposed to tire out Dorothy and the Scarecrow, Tinman, and Lion so the flying monkey's can easily steal Dorothy away. Watching the number the other night -I think most people would agree that the characters won't have to embellish their heavy breathing when the number is done! Of course keeping he Jitterbug makes me worry that the show's running time will be longer and then I worry about how long an act runs, etc. etc... Right now I'm just in the worry mode about everything. I envy Directors who aren't trying to design the sets and lights and props, marketing the show, and keep everything else going while they work on a show. Some day I when I grow up I want to just direct a play. But then I would probably be bored and complain and worry about that too!

The schools are making rehearsals very difficult at the moment! With choir concerts, recitals, and honors programs, along with graduation all rescheduled at the last minute, I'm having to do lots of scrambling in the rehearsals.

MHT's Box Office Manager Alexis Davis will be leaving us at the end of this month. She has taken a new position as Box Office and Patron Club Coordinator for Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Event Services. This will be a big career move up for Alexis and we all wish her the very best and hope that she keeps in touch! Alexis has been with MHT for 3 years almost to the date! Marsha Cash who is the Business Manager of the theatre will take over Box Office management. Marsha has filled this position a couple of times before in the theatre history. Rhiannon Dodds our Box Office Assistant will be working more hours on a weekly basis to help as well.

MHT's board has been busy this past week as well. Tuesday we had a budget meeting trying to work out the final budget for next year. Wednesday the Trustee committee met and reviewed the theatre's present operations and challenges and gave their input on how to address the theatre's long term goals. The trustee committee is an invaluable tool for the MHT board of Directors and for me personally in getting community leaders from several areas to offer their advice to help MHT.

Prospective Board Members are being interviewed by the Nominations committee and a slate for next year will be presented at the May Board of Directors Meeting.

Lots of exciting things are happening behind the scenes.

One of the questions that was asked of me the other day was is required of a Board Member at MHT? Some things change each year as the board faces different challenges and responsibilities. However the basic requirements are to be at least a $100 member each year. Board members must have season tickets to the main stage shows and make an attempt to see at least one of the Youth productions each year. They help develop, and coordinate fundraising events at the theatre. Sometimes the board will decide that board members sell tickets to fundraising events. Board members often purchase tickets to the fundraising events as well as working them. Board members help with the annual fund drive that is held during the year by identifying prospective donors, writing letters and making phone calls to current donors and past donors. The board as a whole meets once a month generally on the 4th Wednesday of the month and committees meet as needed. Board members set the theatre policy and discuss issues related the mission and values of the theatre. Many board members chair a committee. You don't have to be a board member to serve on theatre committees! However some committees such as Nomination are filled with all board members because of our by-laws. Board committees include Finance, Property, Nomination, Volunteer Appreciation and Resources, Play Selection, and others as needed. Board members serve anywhere from a 1 to 3 year term with 1/3 of the board up for election each year. Board members can only serve a maximum of two- 3 year terms and then they must take a 3 year term off. When the nomination committee looks for prospective board members they generally start by looking for people who make an annual financial contribution to the theatre, attend many of the plays and events, and have a passion for the theatre. Prospective board members are also people who bring different types of perspectives to the theatre board- business leaders, parents of youth involved, legal and financial experience, and marketing experience.

The MHT board is a wonderful hardworking group of people who often are the unsung heroes behind the scenes that work tirelessly to improve and support the mission of MHT in our community.

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