Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Seats, New Shows, New Ghosts

Tomorrow I will order new seats. The theatre will spend over $54,000 on the project but will fall just shy of our goal of $63,000 to complete replace all the old seats. We will still have 3 rows at the back of the theatre that will be left with the old seats. I'm hoping that those who have said they wanted to contribute for new seats will do so within the next few weeks. We are about $9,000 short of finishing our goal. If we can receive enough donations in the next couple of weeks we can finish up this campaign in this year! Chair prices go up this October.

Today was the technical rehearsal for Secret Life of Girls. The cast and crew was treated to a Taco Dinner after the rehearsal courtesy of board members Sid Hancock, Heather Dorr, and Jennifer Hughes. Tomorrow evening is the first play selection meeting at 5:30 pm in the corner building. Chair Denise Bristol will run the meeting and talk about the guidelines for the selection process. If you are interested just show up at 5:30 at the box office building.

The Murder for Hire troupe will rehearse tomorrow for the show Reunion at Hippie High. We have only had a read through two weeks ago and tomorrow we start staging the show. Because of this rehearsal the cast for both Secret Life of Girls and Tom Dick and Harry have the night off. At some point this week we will do a dry run through of our trolley ghost tour which starts with the big party kickoff next Saturday. If you see me driving a van with Jody Smith and Phil Counts inside you will know what we are up to. Some people have seen me standing on street corners downtown talking to with Marsha Cash or Kim Yocum and I'm waving my arms and looking very strange. I haven't lost my mind. We are doing dry runs of the ghost walking tours this week as well.

Make plans to come see the Secret Life of Girls and the Ghost Tours. I think audiences will enjoy them both a great deal.

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