Sunday, September 6, 2009

Smoke Opens

After weeks or preparation the season is underway as Smoke on the Mountain opened Thursday night to an enthusiastic audience response. The cast and crew have worked together to create a wonderful show that has received a standing ovation for every performance since opening. Maria Miller and Emily Yocum have filled in as the stage crew and are adding a fun element to the show as the offstage voices of 3 year olds Weldon and Eldon Culpepper. They create such mayhem at the side that it is not hard to believe two 3 years with their screaming and tantrums are really there. The matinee today at 2:30 will cap off the hectic week getting the show open and then give the performers 3 days off before they return for two more weekends of "Homecoming".

Footlights classes began Saturday morning. Joey Judd helped April with the High School class and taught the students some new improv skills in character building. Joey is working with April and I to offer a series of adult classes this fall.

A surprise visit from WPSD Local6 for the high school class had April calling me wondering why I hadn't told her they were coming. I didn't know anything about it. We are always thrilled for the community to get a better look at the education programming happening at the theatre.

The Ghost Tour guides will have a meeting Tuesday and the Murder for Hire troupe has a meeting Wednesday to prepare for the October events. MHT will provide a murder mystery performance for the Caldwell County Junior class as their fundraiser for the school.

Auditions for Tom Dick and Harry are coming up next Monday and Tuesday. The October newsletter is in the final stages before going to press. April begins rehearsal for Secret Life of Girl this next week as well.

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