Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday June 14

The show opened Thursday night to a great audience response. Last nights audience also responded enthusiastically. We had our first Golden Screw nomination for Anything Goes last night for Jim Keeney the technical director/stage manager. What is ironic is that Jim is the one who is supposed to double check everyone else to make sure they don't forget something! Jim forgot to check to make sure the blue traveler drape was closed behind the bar set before we opened the curtain. As a result the curtain opened last night to reveal the Manhattan bar set right in the middle of the ships deck. Jim asked if he should run and close the drape before the lights came up for the scene but that would have left the audience sitting in the dark for about a minute wondering what was happening. It also would have brought attention to the fact that the curtain wasn't closed in the first place. So we brought the lights up and took out the ship slide on the screen. Fortunately the Manhattan skyline patterns lined up on the screen just right and most of the audience never knew anything was wrong. That is always the saving grace of live theatre and its curse. Anything can go wrong at any moment. However the audience has no idea what is supposed to happen so it just looks like we planned it that way.

About two scenes later someone back stage knocked into the bar set and I could hear glasses crash offstage. Both Diane Byrd and I wondered if this were an omen of things to come. The storm hit just after the second scene and a major rain and thunderstorm raged outside as the actors continued to sing and dance. The lights flickered twice but we never lost power.

The lights flickering probably helped the performers really focus in and the show was terrific. After the show the company headed over to the Bohle home for a party. I was the first to leave about 11:30 and reminded everyone that call was 1 pm for today's show. We have two shows today. 2:30 and 7:30. I'm about to head to Sam's Club to pick up sandwiches and food for the company for between the shows.

Response to the shows has been great. Diane, Pat, and the cast are doing a great job with the show and now all we need is to sell lots of tickets! This show single tickets sales will go a long way toward whether the theatre ends the year in the black.

Between shows I will video company members one at a time to interview them about their experiences with the show. I'll post it on the website by Monday.

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