Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday June 28

I was amazed that it has been 5 days since I last blogged. What a whirlwind week. Wednesday we loaded in for the Cinderella show at Clark Elementary. We rented and hung 3 choral microphones and set up the speakers and the sound system for the show. The backdrop which was painted by Kelly Salchli looked great. Thursday the camp kids rehearsed at the school in the morning and adjustments were made in the sound and costumes. It is a tough time to move from taped out lines on a floor in a room where the walls are 2 feet away from you to a large gym where the front is about 200 feet away from you. The kids did a great job of adjusting. Thursday night Anything Goes went back into performance on the main stage. The cast continues to do a great job. Audiences for this weekend are not as large as the last two weeks. We are relying heavily on word of mouth and what's happening guides to sell tickets. Our advertising budget is already $5-6,000 over budget for the year.

Friday was the final rehearsal for the Cinderella show. The first run through went really well. Then we took a break and ran it again. The second time through had major fits and starts and stops. At 5 pm the official performance began and it was great! Every one did a terrific job. About 2 songs into the show the sound acted like it was fading in and out just slightly which panicked April who was standing at the back of the room and stressed me a great deal since I was running the sound. Every little start and stop of the sound was intensely scrutinized for any signs of system problems. At one point when I tried to check on the computers mixer software my finger pushed to hard on the touch sensitive pad on the computer and we had 5 seconds of music that was supposed to play. This of course made things even more stressful and I finally decided not to try to do anything on the computer or the sound system that would cause any other glitches. I don't think the audience ever even noticed.

We left Clark school with 30 minutes to spare before opening the house for Anything Goes. I had to take parts of the sound system out of the theatre to use for the Clark school show and make sure they were replaced for the Anything Goes show. The show last night went well.

This morning I'm writing this just before the board of directors meets for a planning session. This is the final meeting of the board year and newly elected board members are here for the planning session as we lay out the fundraisers for the year. This afternoon April, Jade and I will travel to St. Louis to hopefully see High School Musical at the Muny. We have never seen the show on stage and will produce it this fall. April is looking at how they put together the dance numbers and the flow of the show from scene to scene. I'm looking at how they do the show scenically and see if there are any ideas it generates for our production on a very small stage. At one moment in the show there are supposed to be a gym, a locker room, and a classroom all on stage at the same time. I'm still not sure how we will accomplish that. Travis Hensel is filling in for me tonight on the sound board for Anything Goes.

Tomorrow is the final performance of Anything Goes followed by a strike (tear down) of the set and a cast party. Monday is the final day of our fiscal year and season. The box office will be closed next week July 1-4 as many of the staff are leaving on vacation (including April and I).

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