Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday June 17

With the first weekend of Anything Goes completed the cast is on break until Thursday night. This is a time for most of the company to kick back and relax for a couple of days. For the theatre we were still operating in high gear on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday the two pre-school and elementary age classes started and the Cinderella drama camp began. April convinced me to do a tour of the theatre since many of the kids had never been to the costume shop, the scene shop or backstage. I quickly remembered why April works with children and I work with adults. I was showing a group of second graders through the stage and they asked if the Anything Goes set was for their play Cinderella. I said no and told them about Anything Goes. One second grader asked why the set was a Cruise Ship. I said because the person who wrote the play set it on a ship. This was quickly followed up with another question as to why did the person write the play. After about the 3rd "why" question that could only be answered with "because" -I realized they weren't really interested in the answers (or my sanity) they just liked asking questions. I quickly pointed out something else exciting and changed the subject and we were off again on the tour.

Auditions for My Way were held Monday night at 7 pm in the main theatre. We had 2 women and 4 men audition last night for 4 roles (2 men and 2 women). In the studio theatre from 6:30- 8:30 pm were Improv classes led by Eric Hobbs.

Today, the camps continue and we will hold the second day of auditions for My Way. This afternoon at 1 pm My Way musical director Patt Lynch came in and we auditioned one male who couldn't come to the regular auditions. Depending on who shows up tonight I will either have call backs or cast the show. The only reason to have call backs is if I need to see people again. Small cast shows can sometimes be cast without call backs.

April and I met with Jim Keeney and discussed how much we could have the camp students build of their sets and props. We are using blue foam which can be cut with a saw to make things like buttons and needles and scissors. We think with close supervision the older kids can cut out things like hugely over sized buttons, needles, scissors for the mice to use in their song when they make the dress for Cinderella.

I sketched out a ground row (a piece of scenery that stands on its own from the floor in front of a backdrop) It is a simple design with stone walls and a arched entry to a gate that has a path that leads off to the castle in the distance. I will try to sketch out the ground row with a little more detail and then photocopy it with transparency paper in the copier and then project it with the overhead projector.

Natalia from Creatures of Habit picked up the costumes today from Anything Goes to take to the cleaners. Everything must be dry cleaned or laundered before the second weekend begins its run Thursday. Janice came and measured all the kids in the camp yesterday to begin making and altering costumes for Cinderella show.

Wednesday will be spent trying wrap up some details on marketing for next season as well as finishing up some last minute grants. We need to sell about 50 new seats in order to be 1/2 way to our goal of $50,000. If we can get half of the money raised we have a good chance of finding a foundation to match our dollars to finish the project.

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