Sunday, June 22, 2008

SundayJune 22

Today we have a matinee performance of Anything Goes. Tomorrow Monday June 23 is the Annual picnic and Family reunion at 5:30 pm at Keiler Park. Everyone is invited.

Thursday evening at intermission there was an older lady who was sick and vomited while sitting in her row at intermission. Rhiannon called me panicked wanting to know what to do. I went backstage and got a dust pan and broom and went to the scene shop and got sawdust and weaved my way into the full house crowd to clean up the spot. I found an elderly lady sitting in the middle of the theatre totally embarrassed. She asked me to turn out the lights so she could leave without others seeing her. After I explained that I couldn't do that because everyone was up and moving around for intermission she unhappily was helped out of the theatre by a friend who took her home. I then did my own performance in front of a sold out house trying to clean the area. You know we are a small organization when the Executive Director is cleaning up vomit from the floor in the theatre in front of the audience at intermission.

Friday after the performance the company went to Musical Director Patt Lynch's home for a party which started about 10:30 pm. Patt has a beautiful home on Jefferson St and a pool in his back yard. The cast enjoyed pizza and other goodies and several went swimming. Patt said the last person left about 2 am after helping him clean up.

Saturday morning I went to Sam's and purchased food for the company to eat between shows. I stopped at Creatures of Habit on the way to the theatre to drop off a pair of pants that Steve Schwetman had ripped out. When I went back out of creatures to my vehicle it wouldn't start. So I grabbed the ice cream and my lap top from my vehicle and then walked to the theatre hoping the ice cream wouldn't melt by the time I got to the theatre. At the theatre I took the theatre van and went back to get the rest of the food from my vehicle. Then with Jim Keeney's help we went back and tried to jump my vehicle because we thought it was a battery problem. We still couldn't get the vehicle going. Unfortunately my vehicle was parked on Broadway and at 6 pm they ticket vehicles that are parked there because of Downtown after Dinner.

Several cast members were driving by on their way to the show and asked if I needed help. Adam Gilliam, Jim and Ted Roush and Jim Keeney helped me push my vehicle around the corner from Broadway onto 4th st so I wouldn't get ticketed. Then we all went to the theatre to get ready for the show.

The matinee went well and we had food between shows. The cast (mostly the teens) amused themselves between the shows by playing a rhythm game of words and claps which gets faster and faster until there is a winner. I worked on a billboard that will go up on Park Avenue July 1st after the show and left the theatre about 11:30 pm. Today I have to work on the Golden Screw awards for the picnic. It's hard to remember back to last September and the over 20 shows the theatre has put on and all of things that went on this past year.

The cast from My Way picks up their scripts Tuesday and we begin the final weekend of Anything Goes next Thursday. April and the Cinderella Drama camp will move to Clark school for their show on Wednesday and we have sets and sound and props that have to get moved and set up at Clark school for the Friday performance.

Hopefully today will be a little less excitement than the past couple of days.

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