Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday August 1 Lots of information

I finished up the final report the Kentucky Arts Council for our grant last season. Our fiscal year ended officially June 30 but the arts council gives us until July 30 to get our numbers in.
One of the areas that we need to report in is the number of artists who benefited from the KY ARTS grant. We don't count people more than once in our grant. With that in mind we had over 400 performers, musicians and technical artists last season.

April, Debra Harned, and I have been working hard on getting the season brochure completed. It always seems like there is a mountain of information to try to process and always something else to be added. The cover is always the hardest. We've spent almost 5 hours on this today already and still are tweaking it before we take it to press. We are making sure that all the playwrights and composers and writers are correct. The dates and times and ticket prices. We then proof the text for errors. As soon as it is printed we generally find at least one typo that everyone overlooked no matter how many eyes look at it. As soon as we complete the brochure we start on the My Way program.

We still have 3 shows we are trying to find sponsors for. Generally the most well known shows are sponsored first and then the newer shows are a little more difficult to find someone for. I spent part of last night working on packets for potential sponsors along with the benefits they recieve from sponsoring a show.

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