Friday, August 15, 2008

Running around

Today started early and continued to run all day. My daughter Jade and I dropped April off at the Paducah Airport this morning at 5:30 am for her flight to Memphis and then on to Kansas City. April is attending the American Association of Community Theatre Education Directors Conference. Two years ago April was the facilitator for this conference. This years she wasn't able to commit to the attending until 3 weeks before the conference. The conference starts today at 3 pm so it was off to the airport. (Like so many other things I try to support as many local businesses as possible and yet stay within the non profit budget we have. Every dollar we spend locally is very important to the economic impact the arts have here. I also hope that MHT's support of local business then promotes support for local theatre.) After dropping Jade off at school today I was then off to the races trying to get Temporary Alcohol licenses for our fundraising events with My Way. The theatre has to apply for a temporary license anytime alcohol is included in an event that has a ticket price. (Whether we give it away for free at the event or charge for it, it is considered part of the ticket price.) Since we decided to do the first two Friday nights of My Way we had to purchase two temporary licenses. That involves getting the forms from the online state website. Filling them out with the names of Directors and Officers. Describing the fundraising event that will receive funds from the event. Then going to the bank to get a certified check. Then taking the check and the notarized forms to the City Clerks office and then they turn those into the state. If we use a city facility like the Civic Center or even our own main stage theatre building then we need city approval for the license since they own the buildings. After finding out today that I needed two licenses and not one since the events were separated by 7 days I visited both the bank and city hall a couple of times today.

Then I ran over to Paducah Printing to look at the different formats for our quarterly newsletters. We have received a couple of different prices depending on the number of pages in our newsletter. This will be the first year for quarterly paper newsletters and not monthly or bi-monthly paper newsletters. After checking on that it was back to the program ad hunt while encouraging Jim Keeney to get the technical crew for the show worked out. Jim went to Creatures of Habit and found the perfect 1940's microphone for the show My Way. I spent the afternoon trading phone calls and emails tracking down ad copy.

All the shows in rehearsal are off tonight which gives not only the performers a 3 evening weekend with family but the staff as well. I feel it's important for everyone to catch up with some family time each week instead of spending every night at the theatre rehearsing. Although the rehearsals are off tonight the theatre is still in use with the Rivers Edge Film Festival.

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