Thursday, August 14, 2008

Loose ends

Yesterday press releases were sent out and ads created. Today it's time to do a final proof of our 45th season brochure and continue to track down ad copy for the first program of the new season. Yesterday what was planned for our color pages changed when one of the advertisers decided to hold off on their ad because they were making changes in a store location. That has sent us scrambling to see if anyone else can fill that spot in the program. In order to keep our printing costs down we print all of the color pages for the entire year along with the cover at one time with this first printing. That means we can't add or delete somebody after it is printed.

At the same time I'm desperately trying to tie up the loose ends with the economic impact study to get the first part completed. That means contacting every arts and culture organization and individual artist in Paducah, McCracken Co, and the surrounding counties. We are about 90% there but it's that last couple of addresses that are eluding me at the moment.

The Paducah Film Society comes in to set up for the Rivers Edge Film festival this morning. Their first show is tonight in the main theatre. We have to shift the keyboard across to the classroom to have rehearsal for My Way tonight. I'm posting photos of the arrival of the baby grand piano. Cast members pitched in so that we could get it up on stage. It is rented for the rehearsals and show run. Tuesday we finalized the musicians for the show. We are still on the hunt for a stand up bass for the bass player to play. Joe Plunknett is playing the drums for the show. We don't have a crew for the show yet. It is always a race to find lights, sound, and follow spot people for the plays. Some plays we can train new people to work the equipment. On other shows you want someone with a little bit of experience. I'll be pressuring Jim Keeney to get that crew together so I can get them listed in the program. I have to make a correction in my blog from the other day. I was reminded I forgot to tell David Jernigan about photos when he asked me that very morning what we were doing at rehearsal that night. David had been out of rehearsal with an excused absence the rehearsal when I reminded everyone about photos. Sorry David. That was my fault.

Speaking of musicals we received the music and scripts for High School Musical yesterday. Auditions are Monday and Tuesday of next week. Unfortunately we have changed our mind about the orchestration we needed after we ordered the material so I have to get that changed out.

Tables are selling for the Wedding from Hell event next week. Alexis told me that a bachelorette party was booking a table for the event! It's time to jump on the hunt for those loose ends.

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